I have been following
Outstanding In The Field for MANY years. Each time tickets go on sale I get REALLY excited. This morning they released some new dates for California!! One of the dates is at Wattles Farm in Los Angeles and Chefs Chris Phelps and Zak Walters of the new Salt's Cure (a place I've been dying to go to!!!) will be the guest Chefs!! But of course, I find myself hovering over the "purchase" key............$220 a ticket.............ugh. That is $440 (not even including tax) for my husband and I AND you have to bring your own plate. I know the experience will be OUTSTANDING but I still can never close the deal......

photo credit: Elaine Skinner
Looks beautiful right? Still hovering.... should I, shouldn't I....AAAAAARRRRRGH! Can't do it. Maybe I'll just get the cookbook for now - have my own Outstanding In The Field dinner party.

Photo Credit: Andrea Wyner
There, I'm happy with my purchase. It even comes with a guide to supporting farms in your region!
Next: Outstanding In My Backyard!
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