Yesterday was my Birthday and it was the most perfect day EVER, thanks to my most wonderful husband who knows all my favorite things! We started the day at Malibu Kitchen and Gourmet Country Market - picked up some amazing pastries and make our way to Point Dume. Point Dume is my favorite beach. It actually smells like the ocean - which, believe it or not is a difficult thing to find around here! We sat on the beach, delved into our pastries and watched the dolphins play in the surf. Wonderful. On the way back we made a stop at Malibu Market and Design to shop for the house - if you haven't been here you MUST take the drive and go.
What looks like a small boutique from PCH is really a mulit-teared extravaganza featuring high end furniture and landscape design items. I could walk the grounds daily and fantasy shop. It's an amazing place to get inspiration and ideas on how to design your own home. They are still in the process of trying to get a permit to make a section of their outdoor space a tea spot and when they do, I will be a regular! Next stop? The Getty Villa! I hesitate to even post photo because it won't be able to capture how extraordinary this place is. You have to see it to appreciate it - but for those of you that need a visual, here is a taste:
The Getty Villa is J. Paul Getty's recreation of the Villa of the Papyri from the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum. It is an educational center and museum dedicated to the arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome and Etruia and it holds antiquities from Getty's vast personal collection - its LOVELY!! Now, we're famished and a stop at Gladstones for a snack is in order:
I've never been a big fan of Gladstones in the past, however, recently SBE purchased the site and there has been a huge improvement in it's ambiance and cuisine - not to mention, there has to be a worse way of spending your afternoon than drinking an ice cold beer while staring at the ocean! After this fantastic morning and afternoon, home to nap, then out to dinner with great friends and family to Izaka-ya by Katsu-ya in Manhattan Beach - perfect end to a perfect day.
I have the most wonderful husband, children and friends and as you can tell by the smile on my face, I am one gloriously Happy Birthday Girl!
Happy Birthday to you! I love that smile on your face! Jamie